When it comes to working out, one common issue that many people face is joint pain. This can be particularly noticeable when doing exercises like curls. If you've ever found yourself asking, "Why do my biceps hurt when I do curls?" or "What's the best exercise for joint strength or supplement for joint pain?" then this post is for you.



Understanding the Pain During Curls

Firstly, it's important to understand that when you do curls, it's your biceps muscle that you're targeting. So, it should hurt when you're doing it. However, if what you mean is that your elbow joint hurts when you do curls, there could be a couple of reasons for this.

Underuse and Overuse of Joints

Two things that I've found can cause joint pain are underuse and overuse. If you underuse the joints, they can become creaky and you lose mobility and function. If you go from a period of inactivity to working out every day, you're likely to experience some discomfort. This is also why many people struggle with conditions like tennis elbow or tendonitis.

On the other hand, overuse injuries are also common. These often occur when you go from no use to high use of a joint too quickly.

Good Pain vs. Bad Pain

It's crucial to understand the difference between being injured and feeling pain. Good pain, the kind that comes with working out, lifting, and exercising, burns. Bad pain, the kind that indicates an injury, is sharp. If you feel a sharp or throbbing type of pain, that's an indication that you're dealing with an injury-type pain and you should stop the exercise.

Common Overuse Injuries

The most common overuse injuries we see are tendonitis in the elbow (either tennis elbow or golfer's elbow) and sometimes in the shoulder or deltoid. Lower body joint issues, like knee or hip pain, are often more related to mobility issues than actual joint issues.

Preventing Upper Body Joint Issues

To minimize elbow tendonitis, reduce the amount of time you spend doing movements that put strain on your wrists. To protect your shoulders and prevent any type of tendon issues there, keep your elbows tight during your pushing and pulling movements.

In conclusion, understanding your body and how it reacts to different exercises is the first step towards a successful fitness journey. By recognizing the signs of joint pain and knowing how to manage it, you can ensure that your workouts are effective and safe.

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